Extra Keys In Termux

Guide For Add Extra Keys In Termux. 

With the help of this tool you can add extra keys in botton site of termux. Just open termux app and type following command.

Command for Add Extra Arrow Keys In Termux

mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT']]" >> $HOME/.termux/termux.properties && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 && logout

Command for Add Extra Arrow Keys, Page up, Page Down Keys In Termux

mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END','PGUP'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT','PGDN']]" >> $HOME/.termux/termux.properties && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 &&logout

Command for Add all Extra Keys In Termux

mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7'],['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END','PGUP'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT','PGDN']]" >> $HOME/.termux/termux.properties && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 && logout

Command for Remove Extra Keys And Back To Normal Termux.

mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['ESC','TAB','-','CTRL','ALT','-','DOWN','UP']" >> $HOME/.termux/termux.properties && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 && logout
I am Kunal and I am 14 years old

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