[APK] Termux Script Builder - TSB

Hello Termuxian!!, if you dont know how to build termux script then dont worry i made application for you.! using termux script builder you can create your own simple script. here is step by step guide about how to create your own simple termux shell script using TSB.

Download link of Apk at bottom of the post.


Open Termux Script Builder

give storage permision

Enter your script name
Enter your name

Enter Banner name (ASCII art logo)

Select Menu Number (you can choose 2 if you want to add 2 option when run script.)

Enter Name of Option (eg. for option 1 - Run, Start, Install  | for option 2 you can add exit, open, stop)

You can see your script details.

Setup menu option (you can see 1 box if you selected 1 as menu option else 2)

This is command list , Select file properties

Target :

Create 2 folder : boomer and folder, print some message then clear termux and show basic device info.

Click on Create Folder

Enter folder name

Click on Add New for adding more fuction

Added some commands through Add New button

After complete click on Submit button

if you select 1 menu option then you can see create button else you can see there is option 2

After click on create button you can open script in storage TSB folder

Open script in Termux

Run script using bash command (bash yourscriptname.sh)

Done !!

Video Demo
Script run tutorial

Download Now

Termux Script Builder.apkDownload
I am Kunal and I am 14 years old

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