Install Windows 10 In Termux

Guide For Install Windows 10 In Termux.

This Guide include process for install and run windows 10 in any android phone with the help of termux. Without Rooting your device. You can access windows 10 with graphical user interface.


  • WIN10TP.iso File

First download this windows 10 iso file from this link -

This file must be in download folder of your device. Don't rename or make any change in this iso file

Installation Commands


pkg up -y

pkg install git -y

git clone /termuxprofessor/wintermux

cd wintermux

chmod +x


Note : Allow termux to run in background.

Enter size of ram that you want to give to your windows 10. (1024=1GB)
Now Download VNC Viewer app from playstore.
Then tap on add computer then add IP Address of pc and set any name.

Address =

Windows 10 booting started. Booting process may take some time for first boot it will depends on your device processor and ram.
I am Kunal and I am 14 years old

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